Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

First Letter from Asia's World City

It has been so long not visiting this site! Anyway, since now I'm in Hong Kong for six weeks I want to tell stories about what I've experienced here. :)

I've been here for almost 4 weeks. *so sad :( because that means I'm gonna leave HK soon* Many things shock me and also give me valuable experiences. I believe that money can not buy experiences. If maybe for some people doing this kind of voluntary thingy means wasting money, time, and energy, but I don't want to be hypocrite so I want to admit that I can learn many things although I spend a lot for this journey.

We all can learn many things as long as we want. No matter the situation is.
I remember a phrase from "Ranah 1 Muara", a novel written by A. Fuadi, his professor in GWU said something to him: "I'm always a student at heart.". And that's true! That's a general truth. We will always be a student. Inside or outside classes. Because the real teacher is life.

So, first of all the reason on why I go to Hong Kong is because I applied for NAKU PENDA project. The FIRST AIESEC Global Community Development Program (GCDP) held in Hong Kong! It is held by AIESEC in PolyU - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
It was a risky decision because, first, it's a new project, which means The OCs (Organizing Committees) don't have any experience in handling this kind of project. The chance of being satisfied is low. Second, Hong Kong is a quite expensive city (or country) to live in. I come from Indonesia, which means the Rupiah's currency is lower than HKD and definitely have lower GDP per capita and definitely it will affect my expenses here (that's why I learn Economics.haha..), and I need to pay my food, telecommunications, and transportation expenses all by myself (read: my parents). Third, I already graduated and I am delaying my chance to apply for jobs because of voluntary GCDP. What a risk...

But I take it. I'm taking it.
Opportunity doesn't always come twice.

I am very very very grateful because my parents support my decision. And (finally) after a year worked on my thesis, I thought I need a break for several weeks. :) but not literally break, though.haha..

What I got?

I found EXPERIENCES that I might couldn't find in another place and time! God leads me. :)

So, for this first post about my journey in Hong Kong I only want to say:
Be yourself. Go deep into your soul. Take a risk. Be brave.

One of the pictures I took in the first day in Hong Kong.
Hello from Victoria Harbour. :)

---I dedicate this post and another posts about Hong Kong Journey for my parents. People who always support me unconditionally. Insha Allah, Allah guards you both anytime anywhere.---

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